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2018-Elderiin Studio (Music - Art - Entertainment)
Music composer, Pianist, Artist, Arranger, Writer, Gamer, RPG Maker gamer/engineer, Keyboardist of Symphonic-Power Metal Band Crimson Wind.

mercoledì 31 ottobre 2018

Fraternity (Lost Virtue) - OUT NOW

The proceeds from sales of this piece will be used for my "NoShave November" fundraising.

What is #noshavenovember?

No-Shave November:
Each day, 22,000 people die from cancer worldwide (WHO). There's a good chance that someone you know and love will be affected by this disease. Nearly half of cancer diagnoses and deaths are preventable. No-Shave November's mission is to not only raise funds for cancer... 

released October 31, 2018
Andrea Amata - 2018
Elderiin Studio Music
The proceeds from sales of this piece will be used for my #noshavenovember fundraising 

giovedì 25 ottobre 2018

Working on NEW ALBUM - Lost Virtues

I'm working on my new solo-Album: Lost Virtue.
Stay tuned for more infos.

martedì 18 settembre 2018

Lost in Paradise (the project)

This is my arrangement and revisitation of the Evanescence's hit "Lost in Paradise".
More melancholic, more dark, altered from A minor to Eb minor.!1GByiIBI!Oy0eNm8VFOgThOC-cT13-w

mercoledì 12 settembre 2018

Within Temptation - The Reckoning

Personal Orchestral arrengements

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domenica 9 settembre 2018

OUT NOW - Evanescence Synthesis Remixes Collection
A personal rearrangement of my favorite Evanescence's tracks!
Download Link:
Evanescence Synthesis Remixes Collection 

Broken Dream (Demo 2018) - Evanescence
Download Link:
Broken Dream (Demo 2018)

Evanescence Synthesis Remixes Collection
Broken Dream (Demo 2018)