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2018-Elderiin Studio (Music - Art - Entertainment)
Music composer, Pianist, Artist, Arranger, Writer, Gamer, RPG Maker gamer/engineer, Keyboardist of Symphonic-Power Metal Band Crimson Wind.

mercoledì 31 ottobre 2018

Fraternity (Lost Virtue) - OUT NOW

The proceeds from sales of this piece will be used for my "NoShave November" fundraising.

What is #noshavenovember?

No-Shave November:
Each day, 22,000 people die from cancer worldwide (WHO). There's a good chance that someone you know and love will be affected by this disease. Nearly half of cancer diagnoses and deaths are preventable. No-Shave November's mission is to not only raise funds for cancer... 

released October 31, 2018
Andrea Amata - 2018
Elderiin Studio Music
The proceeds from sales of this piece will be used for my #noshavenovember fundraising 

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